Sunday, March 29, 2009

Continuing on With Books....

10. Breaking Dawn-Stephenie Meyer
11.IV-Chuck Klosterman
12.The Hour I First Believed-Wally Lamb
13.Falling Man-Don DeLillo
14.The Year Of Living Biblically-A.J. Jacobs
15. The Rolling Stone Interviews
16. A Complicated Kindness-Miriam Toews
17.Lullabies for Little Criminals-Heather O'Neil

Monday, January 5, 2009

Trying to Appear Educated...

So I've decided to take a page from the book of Michelle and make an honest attempt to read 50 books this year. I'm going to start my list from September, because that's pretty much when I was able to start reading again, and plus it's my list and I can do what I want. Enjoy!

1. Girlfriend in a Coma-Douglas Coupland.
I love Coupland. Love, love, love, love him. All Families Are Psychotic was one of the best books I've ever read. Maybe my expectations for this one were slightly too high, as All Families Are Psychotic was the first book I've ever read by him, and I adored it, and because it was titled after a kick-ass Smiths song. However, I thought it was okay. And that's about it. Maybe it was a bit too out-there for me....a little too science-fictiony. Still not a horrible book, but still not my fave by him so far.

2.My Sisters Keeper-Jodi Piccoult.
This was an okay book.It's one of those books you know as soon as you read the back that it was written with the sole intention of making people cry.'s didn't make me cry. It was an alright story, if not a tad predictable. I think I found it interesting due to the whole donor children issue.

3.The Glass Castle-Jeanette Walls
LOVED this book. VERY sad, very emotional. And very true. I think what makes this so book so very heartbreaking is that it is this woman's biography of her childhood and growing up with her own parents who didn't feel the need for school, luxury, or even, at times, necessity. Excellent read all around.

4. Hey Nostradamus!-Douglas Coupland
This book was amazing. It does reach a tad for some things, but all in all it was a great all around book. I probably liked it better than All Families Are Pyschotic. The characters in this book are all very, very real, and I think it shows quite realistically, the fallout from huge tragedy.

5.The Secret Life of Bees-Sue Monk Kidd
Meeeeh. Did not like this AT ALL. Took me forever to read, because I just found it horribly boring. It was also very,very,very predictable. It reminded me of something you have to read for school, in the sense that I was forcing myself to read it, and struggling to finish *yawn*

6. Twilight-Stephanie Meyer
Again. Meh. It wasn't great. It wasn't the most horrible thing I've ever read either. But it still wasn't great. I was ready to delve into the "Next Harry Potter" (as I had heard it publicized as). Maybe it was my own fault for thinking this series could live up to Harry Potter. Either way, it was alright.

7. New Moon-Stephanie Meyer
I have read the first three books in this series, and I think I hated this one the most. I hate the character of Jacob. This is the most I'm writing on this book. Yuck.

8.Every Visible Thing-Lisa Carey
This was an okay book. It starts off on a sad note and follows through the rest of the book. Shows how messed up families really can be. The little brother's story kind of shocked me a little, but it was probably the best part of the whole book.

9. Eclipse-Stephanie Meyer
This was much better than New Moon, however, it didn't really need to do much. Probably on par with Twilight.