Monday, August 8, 2011

It's 10:12 p.m. and Everyone is Sleeping But Me...

I often wish I was funny. And beautiful. But more funny.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Terrible Blogger

I actually forgot this blog existed. I initially started it to keep track of everything I was reading,
but from the looks of things, that got old REALLY fast. I'm currently exhausted from my day. Often, I wonder how I ended up on my chosen career path. It initally wasn't my first choice; far from it actually. When I was in 'real' university (not nursing school, and YES, there is a difference), I wanted to be a developmental psychologist. However, I was not a fan of applying myself to obtain the necessary grades to make this dream a reality. That and me and stats were bitter mortal enemies. Three courses worth of useless. I remember the very last one, that was all theoretical statistics, and Dan Stewart informing us that it was "Ki square", not "Chee square". And if you said "Chee-square" you would (in his exact words) "make yourself sound like an idiot". 3950 was my Everest. 2950 and Dr Cake made me cry. The first one? We made do.
Anyway, nursing. I decided to apply on a whim, pretty much. And got in. And decided to go. To this day I often wonder if I made the right decision. I love my job; don't get me wrong. I love the problem solving, the patients, my co-workers (mostly). However, I'm the one that has the perpetual black cloud. Actually, I share one with my friend Alison. I have sick, sick patients all the time. I have the most bizarre things happen. I have the worst luck. I get in arguments. Some days I just come home, peel off the scrubs and hide under the covers, hoping that no one ever finds me. However, there are the days when someone thanks me for all the good that I've done that day. Thanking me for the good care I gave their dying family member. Telling me I have to take time for myself. And that makes the seven years of university, the student debt, the bad back, and the time caring for someone else's family (while being away from my own) all worth it.